Texas League for Nursing

Texas League for Nursing Survey

Posted 6 months ago by Cynthia Garrett in Membership Committee

This announcement has 1 attachment:
Info Survey (850 KB)

Good morning,

As you all know, the Texas League for Nursing is looking at ways to continue our organization's growth. Some changes will happen soon with the National League for Nursing and the State constituents. 

With this being said, it is essential that we get some information that will help us make sound decisions on where we want our Texas League to go. We have developed a survey that we would like you to complete and return to us by December 1st @ 2359.

This survey is a fillable pdf form. Please download and save the form to your computer and then complete the form. Once the form is complete, please email it to garrett.sim.nurse@gmail.com

Thank you, 

TLN Board